Tris sits in an unknown hallway, escaping the dormitory, I don't blame her, I don't know if I could ever go back there after what had happened. Uriah, one of the Dauntless born initiates stops to talk to her. He asks ehr how she is after what happened, then invites her to join him and the others to a little initiation ritual. The other Dauntless-borns don't really accept her right away, but Uriah makes them... I wonder why he is so much nicer then the other Dauntless-borns, maybe he has a crush in Tris. They make their way to the tracks. On the train, Tris meets Shauna, who was in Four's initiate class. He has told Shauna about Tris, good things. Jumping out of the train, they jog next to some members. They are on Michigan Avenue.
Then they reach the Hancock building, piling into an elevator, They go to the one hundredth floor and climb onto the ceiling with a ladder. Attached to a pole on top of the tower is a thick steel cabel, stretching out of sight, through a cluster of buildings. Below the pole is a pile of black slings. The members go first, acting like pros, then Tris goes first for the initiates, she is nervous but she refuses to back down. She's released and she feels like a bird!
This is what she Tris reminded me of ^. Tris loves the adrenaline and she feels like her body is charge with electricity. I would be pretty nervous, but I think that would be such an incredible thing to do. At the end, Dauntless members cheer for her as they catch her. Tris loves the Dauntless lifestyle and in this chapter she makes me think that she is really meant to be a Dauntless, she already feels like one of them.
"What floor?" -Lynn
"One-Hundred" -Tris
"How would you know that?" -Lynn
"We're in a one-hundred-story abandoned building with some Dauntless, Why don't you know that?" -Tris
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