A lot happens in this chapter! Tris needs to get away, she catches a train to the Erudite compound.. this is going to get her into trouble I just know it! She makes her way to the central building, which is a library. A huge portrait of Jeanine is inside (yuck). Caleb spots Tris in the library, he looks different but she probably looks different to him too!
Heres an idea of what they both probably wear now! ^
They decide to talk outside at the park, which is what is left of the chicago bean... I really like how chicago is the setting of this book, it helps with the visualizing. Caleb is worried about her being in the compound, he talks about how their is somehting weird going on around here. Tris gets angry with Caleb after he admits to kind of sort of believeing the posts Jeanine has written about Abnegation. Tris leaves Caleb by telling him that their faction isn't letting Abnegation in, and that Natalie, their mother! told Tris to tell Caleb to research the simulation serum... he can't argue with his mother! Two Erudite men stop Tris on her way out, and take her to Jeanine's office. Jeanine then questions Tori on why her tests and simulations were not recorded, there was problems with them (Jeanine created the aptitude test). She tells Tris that she is one of two of the people to get an Abnegation result and switch to Dauntless... (well really she is not the second one to since her results were inconclusive) who is the other??? Jeanine explains that the Erudite have an understanding with the Dauntless and that's why she can see her records. Tris responds to all of Jeanines questions by playing dumb. She tells her that she switched because she is Brave (not a lie completely.) She tells Jeanine that she was bored with the Abnegation lifestyle, tired of being scolded all the time, that she doesn't even miss her family! and the hardest lie of all, that she agrees with Jeanines reports. I understand that Tris has to say this, or she will be killed, but now I predict the Jeanine is going to release another article about how she talked to Tris, and it's going to say all the horrible things Tris said about her family and Abnegation!!
Once Tris is escorted back to the Dauntless compound, Eric greets her. I don't know what he's going to do to her, he supports the phrase "Faction before blood" thoroughly. He questions her on being a traitor, on betraying the Dauntless and then he threatens to reconsider her rank or even her friends ranks! Four walks into the room, ready to save the day! He tells Eric that Tris was just embarrased because she tried to kiss him and he rejected her... Eric laughs this off and tells Tris to just not leave the compound again without supervision (phew! good thing Eric is an idiot!!)
After Eric leaves, Four explains that he was trying to protect Tris that morning, he didn't want the initiates knowing him and Tris were a thing, Tris' ranking would always be called an act of favoritism (awkwarrrrd!). Tris understands and he tells her to meet him back here later that night for some important news. Later that night Christina tells Tris that her and Will kissed, not really that important, everyone already could tell they liked each other!
Tris meets up with Four later in the night and they catch a train somewhere. When it's safe, he tells her about how he was working in the control room one night before initiation and came across some files sent by Erudite, they were what looked like war plans, commands, maps, and supply lists. War on Abnegation, it all makes sense now. Jeanine trying to build up the factions against Abnegation, a call for an overthrow in the government in her paper, and Caleb knowing that something is going on. Erudite had the plan, they just need the Dauntless to fulfill it.
Caleb on Abnegation: "How much do I know? How much did they allow me to know? We weren't allowed to ask questions, Beatrice; we weren't allowed to know things! And here information is free, it's always available."
Werd dauntlesness