Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chapter 19

Tris enters the dorm to find most of the initates reading a paper about Abnegation, written by an Erudite, the evil Jeanine!
This is Jeanine in the movie, and exactly how I pictured her. This is the only cast member that they achieved to portray correctly!!
It suggest that the Abnegation community is abusive and disturbed, that's why so many have transferred, Caleb and Tris were an example in the paper. This was Molly's revenge, telling the paper false accusations regarding Tris' father. The paper also calls Abnegation's ideals corrupt, that they should not be the lead in our government. Tris has had enough and attacks Molly, Will has to pull her off. I understand Tris' fury, thats her father they are telling lies about, trying  to peruse the other factions, calling for an overthrow in the government! Once she is calmed down, Tris and Christina decide to go get a tattoo, of the Dauntless symbol.
On the way there, they see Four. He is a little drunk and he comes running over to Tris once he sees her! He wants her to hang out with him, but he says that she's "not allowed to see him like this." He also tells her that she looks good! Now I know Four's true feelings for Tris, from what I have heard about alcohol, it makes you say things that you wouldn't have the guts to say when you are sober.

"I have never been carried around by a large boy, or laughed until my stomach hurt at the dinner table, or listened to the clamor of a hundred people all tlaking at once. Peace is restrained; this is free." -Tris

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahahahahqahahaha this book is not good at all it doesent even make sence.
