Sunday, May 19, 2013

Chapter 14

It's the day before Visiting Day!!! Tris doesn't know fi it would be worse to see or to not see her parents. As she is trying on her old clothes, she can't fit into them any more, she is muscular!   Entering the dormitory in a towel, Peter, Molly, and Drew are there. Tris walks to her bunk ignoring them, but then Peter creeps up behind her, starting to tease her on her size. He blocks the way out with his arm, Molly and Drew behind him. Molly says some pretty ugly things about Tris, she has to get out of there. she ducks under Peter's arm but he grabs her towel and leaves her butt naked, running out of the dorm. She doesn't sob, she wants to get even.
Once she is in the training room, she finds out her fight is Molly, good enough. I had a feeling Tris would be ready to demolish one of them once the episode in the for happened. Christina beats Al (purposly loses), Edward beats Peter (yes!), Now it's time for Tris to beat Molly to the ground! She thinks about what Molly said to her in the dorm, "Look at her, she's like a child." This gives Tris motivation and Tris sweep kicks her to the ground! She kicks and kicks Molly, not stopping even as Molly gasps for air. Four has to pull her back from teh fight and tell her to stop! Tris doesn't even feel a pinge of guilt. I knew she had it in her, she has the heart but she just needed to use her talents like Four told her to do!

"I think of visiting day like I think of the world ending: Nothing after it matters."

This is a confusing quote, but I interpert it as, the world is everything.. but once it ends nothing after it matters, because the world ended and because the world was everything! So for visiting day, everything building up to it means everything, but once it's done and over with, it's nothing, it doesn't matter.


  1. Lillie, I really like your interpretation of that quote! Right when I read it, I was thinking the same thing! However, I'm not sure it is completely right in my opinion. A lot of things matter after visiting day, just not as much as the day itself.

  2. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  3. trissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiisiisis goddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
