Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chapter 36

She reaches the building where the rest of her family lies. She tells them the bad news, she catches them up on what's happening as they stitch her arm up. Caleb also caught Tris up, he researched the simulation and found out what Jeanine was trying to do, he dropped out of initiation and became faction less, well he became Abnegation which I bet his father loved. The room is filled with other Abnegations taking shelter, one of them, evil Marcus. They all come up with a plan. They are going to wake the soldiers up. They must find the computers that controls the program and destroy it. Tris remembers what Jeanine was talking about on the phone, the control room is where it's at! They decide to split up, anyone who can fire a gun and isn't afraid of heights, comes with Tris, the others continue on to seek safety with Amity. I think this is a great plan but I don't see the need for Marcus to come along and neither does Tris!
"I guess I am what I've always been. Not Dauntless, not Abnegation, not faction less, Divergent." -Tris

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